Friday, September 26, 2008

Star Wars Galaxy Maped Out (FINALLY)

FINALLY! After years and years of hard work, I've finally made it. This project started about 3 years ago? I think... BUT YES!!! It's done now. You can now look for planets or look at the map for fun and study your Galactic Geometry.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The History of Humans


The publication of the book "Alien Exodus" never made it. Thus, this information is highly confidential.
I'm freaking serious about this. Please do NOT tell anyone about this for all you fans and readers.

Alien Exodus

Alien Exodus was the proposed title for the first book in a trilogy of Expanded Universe novels by Canadian author Robert J. Sawyer. Unlike the Bantam Spectra novels which were being published at the time, these novels would have been published by Ace Books.

At the time, Ace Books was negotiating with Lucasfilm to publish a series of novels which would tell the backstories of the aliens found in Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas, a book of creature designs and concept art for the original trilogy, the Ewok TV-movies (Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor), and other Lucasfilm productions. When Ace Books approached Sawyer in 1994, he wrote a 10,000 word story outline and two sample chapters, using A Guide to the Star Wars Universe and Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races as additional sources.

However, as negotiations went on, it was decided that the project would use entirely new alien designs (probably because Bantam Spectra still had the rights to publish novels in the Star Wars universe.) After Sawyer dropped out of the project, Deborah Chester became the project's new author. In 1998 and 1999, she published three novels in the Alien Chronicles series—The Golden One, The Crimson Claw, and The Crystal Eye.

Robert J. Sawyer's storyline did not see publication in any form until he posted the outline and two sample chapters for the first novel on his website in 2003.

Plot outline

The proposed storyline of Alien Exodus was divided into two parts. The main storyline followed a Human slave named Cosmo Hender, and his struggle to free his people from their Varlian overlords. The second storyline consisted of excerpts from The Human Exodus, a chronicle of the origins of the first Humans to find their way to the Star Wars galaxy.

Main storyline

The main story opens with Cosmo Hender, leader of the Human slaves on the Varlian planet Forhilnor. Forhilnor's slaves include Humans, Bith, Ithorians, Kubaz, Ortolans, Kitonaks, Twi'leks, Mon Calamari, and Sullustans. The Varlians—giant insectoids who rule a large star empire—have Rodian and Gamorrean henchmen to oversee the slaves. The slaves are being forced to build a massive stone temple, which by this point has reached a height of one thousand meters. A secret council, consisting of the leaders of each slave species, plots to somehow gain freedom, though their people have been enslaved for at least five generations. The slave council note that all their people are weary, even more than can be explained by the hard work and short rations.

When Hender is temporarily taken from his regular job in the quarries to serve in the palace of the Varlian governor, Kaxa, he learns several important things. Firstly, his discovers that the Varlians have advanced technology and machinery which could easily complete the stone temple without the use of slave labor. Secondly, he hears about a plague called the Changa Bloodrot which nearly wiped out the Varlians centuries ago (a disaster which they believed to be divine retribution for failing to enslave the primitive Wookiees.) Most importantly, after the governor's daughter Delba teaches him to read, he comes across a book called The Human Exodus, which tells of the origin of Humanity in the galaxy. The story of Humankind's escape from a previous group of oppressors inspires him.

When he rejoins his people, Hender sets in motion a plan to free the slaves. Hender makes it appear that several slaves who died of overwork really died of Changa Bloodrot. Of all the species on Forhilnor, only the Rodians would be immune to this plague—a fact which inspires the Rodians to put their own plan in motion to find a sample of the Bloodrot and spread it amongst the Varlians.

Governor Kaxa realizes that a plague outbreak could ruin his plan to seize control of the Imperial throne. He orders that his plan be put into effect quickly. It turns out that the temple was merely a means to keep the slaves occupied, while a crystal in the palace drained their Force energy. Kaxa is using this energy to physically move the Forhilnor system towards the center of the Empire, where he plans to seize power using his slaves as a ready-made army. The movement of the planet causes earthquakes on Forhilnor. When Hender rescues another slave from the rubble, it turns out that Hender has somehow developed the ability to tap into the Force, giving him telekinetic powers. The other slaves nickname him "Skywalker" for his ability to levitate.

Eventually, the plague spreads to the Varlians in the palace. While the mutated plague is not fatal, it causes the Varlian larvae to continue to grow without entering the pupal stage of their life cycle. Astute readers would recognize these giant Varlian larvae, who are petulant and selfish as only an overgrown child could be, as Hutts. Believing the slaves to be infected, a panicked Governor Kaxa sends them on board a fleet of ships to leave the planet. It is soon revealed that he has been tricked, and that the slaves themselves were never infected. As well, Hender and the other slaves managed to steal the Force crystal from the palace. Kaxa sends a fleet of Gamorrean warships against the escaping slave fleet. However, the slaves escape by flying their ships into the Bloodstars, a nearby star cluster. In order to make a path for their escape, Hender uses the Force to move the Bloodstars aside. Though the strain of using the Force to move the Bloodstars eventually kills Hender, the former slaves continue to their destination—the garden world of Corellia.

Flashback storyline

The Human Exodus begins on Earth, in the 25th century. The three main characters—computer hacker Dale Hender, space pilot Antonia Corelli, and her lover Paxton Solo—are leaders of an underground movement resisting the computers who have taken control of Earth's society. Hender discovers that the computers intend to force-feed the people of Earth drugs to control their emotions. They also learn that the computers intend to strip away the identities and family ties of the Humans under their control by replacing their names with serial numbers (Hender is to become the first of the THX series, THX-0001).

Powerless to stop the computers, the underground decides to secretly convert a comet-mining ship called the Oort Raider to a colony ship, carrying five thousand Humans on a multi-generational journey to Alpha Centauri. After a narrow escape from the computers' forces on Earth, the Oort Raider escapes the solar system. Their long journey is interrupted when they fall through a "cosmic whirlpool" leading to another solar system in another galaxy. To their great surprise, the wormhole is not only a bridge to another galaxy, but to another time, billions of years in the past.

The Humans discover a habitable planet, and land. On this new world, they encounter another ship which had arrived in order to investigate the wormhole. This ship turns out to be a Rodian-crewed slave transport, carrying a cargo of Biths. The Rodians intend to enslave the Humans as well. When the Humans discover this, they try to free the Biths, only to be interrupted by a group of Gamorrean slavers, followed by a group of Varlians. The militarily superior Varlians take control of the situation, taking all of the Humans and Bith as slaves to Forhilnor, and hiring the Rodians and Gamorreans to oversee the slaves. As the slaves are taken away, Paxton Solo and Dale Hender look back on what could have been their new home. To honor Antonia Corelli, who was killed by the Rodians, they agree that the planet should be named Corellia. They also vow that one day Humanity will return to Corellia, and build a free society there.

Connection with canon

As an obscure, never published work, Alien Exodus is obviously non-canon. However, some fans, notably Nathan Butler in his Star Wars Timeline Gold, have incorporated the story as part of the origins of Humanity in the Star Wars galaxy. It is interesting to note how poorly Alien Exodus fits in with the many Star Wars works produced since it was first conceived.

Alien Exodus identifies Corellia as the first home of Humanity in the Star Wars galaxy, while the New Essential Chronology identifies the Zhell of Coruscant as the source of Humanity. On the other hand, the New Essential Chronology's description of the Humans of Coruscant as enslaved by the Rakatan Infinite Empire parallels Alien Exodus, as both stories depict Humans as being enslaved early in their history by an empire which later falls due to a plague.

The ancient history of the Hutts, first given in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, would have been explored in Alien Exodus. However, this exploration of ancient galactic history obviously does not include the Infinite Empire of the Rakata or the Killiks, since Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and the Dark Nest Trilogy had not yet been produced. Likewise, during the scenes on Corellia, no mention could have been made of Centerpoint Station or other peculiarities of the Corellian system, since the Corellian Trilogy had not yet been written.

The origins and behavior of the Varlian allies and slave species would also have been discussed in Alien Exodus. In several cases, providing this ancient history to these species would have contradicted published works—including some which were already available to Sawyer—establishing that species such as the Mon Calamari and the Rodians were not early spacefarers. It should be noted, of course, that many plot elements may have been changed had the novel actually been written, and that later Expanded Universe material would have been written with information from Alien Exodus taken into consideration


I'm freaking serious about this. Don't ask me how I got this information, where I got it from and how it is authentic.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Death Star Spotted Over San Francisco

The Death Star has come into Earth's orbit and has send several ships to San Francisco. For what purpose is unknown. Get ready for the invasion of Earth!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Star Wars : Clone Wars

Haven't watched the latest movie to the Star Wars Trilogy? Well, don't worry! You can watch it right here!



Aurebesh was a writing system commonly used to represent the Basic language. The name comes from a combination of the first two letters, Aurek and Besh.

Aurebesh implemented consonants, vowels, digraphs, and punctuation marks. Words were separated by spaces. Aurebesh could be written mainly left-to-right or up-to-down. All letters are the same relative size, although occasionally symbols were mirror-inverted to denote capital letters. The symbol for the Republic Credit was a Resh (R for Republic) with two vertical lines through the upper half of the symbol. Letters of the alphabet were also used to denote musical keys, such as the key of Cresh.

The origins, as well as the time it was implemented are not known. It existed at least as early as the Jedi Civil War and afterwards.